Day 44: A New Beginning

9:14 pm | |

So, it looks like some Doves have nested in the bird netting above our rabbit enclosure. There are 2 little eggs in the nest. What a terrible place to make a nest!

I didn’t get in any exercise today, because I went out into the world today!

Sporting the chicken mask!

Why was I out you ask? Because I took a job, in retail, during a pandemic! 😳 That’s right, I am a part-time temporary employee at the hardware store uptown.

I figured, my schedule is more free since everything is on shut down, and any money I bring in can help fund a home improvement project. It’s temporary right now, only 6ish weeks HR told me, but everything is unknown with this pandemic on the game board.

So of course, with the slacking exercise, I ate like crap too, spending points at the Dalton Dairiette. It was delicious though!

Chicken sandwich and a chocolate banana shake.

Luke spent time wet sanding his paint job he did yesterday.

I gotta find energy. I cannot let my exercises slip! Stay safe! ☄🌟

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