Day 57: Mother’s Day

8:31 pm | |

The girls made me cards, we ate a bunch of ice cream and snacks (the diet blew right out the window), and I watched a storm blow through.

Luke worked on the garden boxes, cutting, priming, and painting two of them.

Still gotta flip the pieces to paint the other side and then assemble.

We have enough material for 3 more after these are assembled. This week looks like the week the cold finally goes away, so I’m hoping we get them finished this week!

We also did a Facebook Marketplace meetup for a piece Luke can use for a DIY dust collection system in the shop.

It’s not a high priority, but when it comes across the Facebook newsfeed, he couldn’t pass it up.

Storm rolling through. This is our front yard view to the South.
A few minutes later…

It was a good day, and I probably gained 4 pounds, but it’s nice to not exercise and watch what you eat every once in awhile. Stay safe! ☄🌟

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