How Does Your Garden Grow?

2:21 pm | |

With dirt! 🤣

Seriously though, we are finally slowly working on the last 3 planter boxes, but a friend dropped of some plants and almost everywhere is out of bagged soil, so we got a truckload from a mulch place. 1 yard about filled the truck!

It’s a lot of soil! 😳
Priming the last 3 planter boxes!

I also did a 5K App run yesterday!

These 25 minute runs at a slow pace are roughly about 1.5 miles for me. I don’t push it since my feet can’t handle repeated hard impacts.

In other news, I have less than a week before I start my first college class in 15 years! 😱 Thankfully it’s all online, so I can pace myself each week for assignments. I’m slowly trying to reorganize the bedroom so I have a bit of office area. We’ll see how far I get!

Stardust and Sprinkles until next time!

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