Wednesday Weigh – In

9:11 am | |

Yesterday was Wednesday, and since Wednesdays are the day my closest WW meeting group gets together, it became my weekly weigh-in day. Of course, there haven’t been face to face meetings since March, but they have digital meetings, and a huge social networking platform for WW members.

Anyway, I think my weight loss holding pattern is moving again! After 9 weeks of fluctuating 1.5 pounds, boom!


I think it helps that I’m generally working 3 days a week now, and I definitely get in some steps!

My sleep is atrocious! This was actually a lighter day since there wasn’t a truck to put away at work.

I don’t notice the weight loss much unless I start looking back at pictures.

A little more chin definition! Hard to tell when you wear a mask all day at work!

All in all, I’m trying to focus on the amount of food I eat, and how much I move. This weekend will focus on finishing up garden boxes, planting tomatoes and bell peppers, and maybe some organization for the bedroom because college starts Monday.

Stardust Sprinkles & Safe Travels!

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