Racking up Steps!

8:07 am | |

Now that the weather is staying mostly nice, I’m getting in a lot more daily steps. There’s always something that needs done around here, and the list keeps getting longer!

I worked 6 hours Friday, 4 hours Saturday, and I was off Sunday.

We did something super cool on Saturday, like check it off the Summer bucket list cool, but I’m sworn to secrecy for another day or two, then I’ll share! 😉

In homesteading news, we lost more ducks, and finally figured out the culprit! Raccoons! Normally they just rip off heads and leave bodies, but the entire duck would disappear without a trace. Apparently they are feeding a family, so the war is on!

A family of raccoons, and the glimpse of a raccoon tail and one of our ducks. 😔

The ducks don’t put themselves away since they don’t roost like chickens, so if we aren’t home right at sunset, this is always a possibility. This year is the worst so far, so other food sources must be scarce.

I’ve also realized that our Maple tree at the corner of the road and neighbor’s property is sick. My quick Googling thinks it’s Sapstreak disease, which is fungi introduced at the base, causing die back and is fatal to the tree, so we’ll have to take that tree down sooner rather than later.

Base injury that probably introduced the fungi, and you can see the dieback of the branches.

The local stray I call Bitty Kitty was in the neighbor’s yard, and I caught sight of her babies for the second time. She has 3!

Bitty will come to me for food after two weeks of working with her, but the babies stay away.

We also spent time this weekend cleaning up the back patio. The dogs like having places to sit now!

Seating for 12!

Stay safe! ☄🌟

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