Stormy Days

8:09 pm | |

We’ve had some rain off and on, which is good, because the gardens needed it, but some areas around us had some major downpours and flash floods! It seemed to go on either side of where we are located, which gave us fantastic views of the lightning!

Bitty Kitty had her babies in the driveway the past few days. They are scared of humans, but I’m hoping they stick around!

Baby kitties!

Basically, my days have been work and college. I’ve finished up reading, lectures, and notes for chapter 4 (China), and did my first read through of chapter 5 (Greece). The lectures should come out tomorrow, so I’m hoping after work I can watch the lectures, then Thursday I’ll do notes and write out my answer to this week’s discussion board question (which should also be posted Wednesday).

My setup this morning for the lecture videos and note taking.

Tomorrow is weigh-in day. I’m over on my weekly points, but I’ve made healthier choices, and tried to be active, so hopefully the scale doesn’t go too far in the wrong direction.

See! Healthy, 0 point dinner!

Stay safe! ☄🌟

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