Storm Damage!

6:20 pm | |

So yesterday late afternoon, we had a storm blow through. It brought some much needed rain to the gardens, and it got a little windy. Nothing to terrible. We registered a 27mph wind gust on our weather station. Well, apparently Mother Nature was talking yesterday!

Oops! There goes the shop roof.

So, the Walnut tree we’ve wanted to take down decided it was time to go. We submitted a claim to our homeowner’s insurance, and someone will be out Friday to look at the roof damage, but today, the tree people came out and removed the tree.

They brought out a crane!
We are surprised the whole thing didn’t come down. It was pretty hollow, and had an opossum living in there!
It bent up the roof, the gutters, and the electrical box!

Thankfully, it’s all taken care of now, so no more walnuts raining on the shop roof!

Stay safe! ☄🌟

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