Do you ever just hit a rough patch in life? You make all of these plans and to-do lists, and then everything just gets put off to the side. That seems to be what happened to me.
- I started a part time job in January
- Homeschooling became more challenging because of the job
- There are now two braces payments every month
- We took in a dog with heart problems
- I was diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome
- I had a hysterectomy 11 days ago
It’s a lot of adjustments, so the homesteading projects, and of course the blog, took a back seat. With my surgery, comes a leave of absence, so I’m hoping to start slowly reclaiming everything we’ve put of to the side. Why live life if you aren’t doing the things that you want to do, right?
Five days after my surgery, our town had their fireworks for the 4th of July. We can see them in the distance from our yard, so we had a huge cookout for family and friends. Unfortunately, with the storms that came through earlier in the day, the air was heavy, and there was no wind at all when the fireworks started, leaving their smoke to cast a huge cloud that would not move. Most of the viewing was obscured, but it made an eerie reminder of the alien ships crashing to Earth in the film Independence Day. Still, it was a great day, and a great fireworks show.
Until next time!
*Dandelion Wishes and Stardust Sprinkles*