Oh the Cookies!

5:06 pm | |

So, this is our 8th year as Girl Scouts, and we just got our cookies in this week!

Our dining room!

We start cookie booth sales this weekend, so we’ve done some extra steps to help advertise that we have cookies!

Cookie hats my mother-in-law made us!
Window markers for the cars!

The girls are working extra hard this year. Avery is funding her Bronze Award, which is aiming to educate the public about adopting shelter animals and why shelters need our help to have materials to stimulate the animals while they are there, as well as making “Welcome Home” bags for shelter animals.

Alexis and Lillian have a Silver Award to earn, and they are in the planning stages with our local community theater, so selling lots of cookies means more money for these awards!

In the meantime, our house will be full of cookies!

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