3…2…1… Blast Off!

9:16 am | |

Can you see it in the featured picture? Way up in the sky! You may need to clean your monitor so you don’t mistake little dirt pieces for it (I know mine needs cleaned). It’s not a bird, it’s not a plane, it’s a little rocket parachuting back to the ground!


Luke comes from a family that loves all things that fly. My dad is a science fiction buff, so I grew up with model rockets and R/C airplanes. Put us together, have four girls, and you can see the wonders in their eyes when we do anything that involves the sky.

It’s been awhile since we had the rockets out last, so we did an overview of parts, made sure the parachutes weren’t wrapped up too tight, and got them ready for launch.

We discussed the wind, what direction it was coming from, and how much of an angle our launch pad should have to ensure the rockets landed in our nicely mowed field, and not in the tall corn next door.

Lilly's blast off!
Henna's blast off!
Lexi's blast off!
Avery's blast off!

Each girl launched their rocket, and each one landed close by. Unfortunately, the wind picked up after that, and they got to witness daddy’s rocket (that had a more powerful motor, so it went a lot higher) blow clear across our field, over our woods, and into another corn field. Rest in peace little rocket, the girls will miss you.

Avery watching her rocket falling safetly to the ground.

We may wait until the corn is harvested before launching again. That way we have better luck at finding a rocket that may stray too far.

Until Next Time….


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