Just Keep Moving Forward

8:40 pm | |

Like I said earlier, I’m trying to keep more active, since I seem to be more snacky since social distancing became a thing this week.

I did my normal 12 minute YouTube walk this morning, but in between raindrops today, I managed to make it outside for a half mile walk.

Road Selfie!

I normally go from the house, up to the stop sign, then back towards the house to our far property line, then back to our main driveway.

My Fitbit stats.

We also watched a video from our favorite nature center, The Wilderness Center (in Wilmot Ohio). They’ve been putting educational videos on their Facebook page since everything is closed. We made layers in rice crispy treats to mimic layers of sedimentary rocks!


Obviously, that doesn’t help my snack craving! 🤣


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