Day 11: A Little Dirt Never Hurt

9:04 pm | |

Today was a gorgeous day outside. Mid 60’s, sunshine, warm! Avery and I decided to plant a few seeds inside. With the pandemic, greenhouses and online seed companies are selling out or back logged. My own seed order is lost in this mess (I always get a late start with cookie season), so we used some seeds from Ace Hardware.

Avery planting corn.

We planted two types of corn, cauliflower, cucumbers, green peppers, romaine lettuce, and sunflowers today. I still have a few other seed packets to do. We’ve set up our mini greenhouse in the dining room in a West facing window.

Our tiny greenhouse 💚

I also got in a longer outside walk today for my exercise! It was my WW weigh-in day, and I dropped .2lbs from last week. (I’d like to think I’m building muscle lol)

Our shadows on our walk. That’s our little patch of woods we call Tulla Brynn.
Just over a mile. We repeated our normal walk.

More rain is in the forecast, so the next few days will be mostly indoor activities! Stay safe! ☄🌟

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