I realized today that a bird tried to build a nest on my front porch wreath. I’m not sure it was the best idea, especially with the traffic the porch gets because of the egg fridge…
I did my run for my 5k app, but man do I hurt. For once, it’s not my feet. Since about September last year my left shoulder/back area hurts once in awhile, like it’s slightly out of socket and it’s straining the muscle. Sometimes, it gets really sore for a few days and travels into my neck and renders that arm pretty useless. Lucky me, I’m in that type of flare up right now, so this run hurt… a lot! Like tears in my eyes hurt.

I also had Luke take some pro pictures of the eggs. They are such pretty colors, I don’t even need to dye them for Easter!

We also started 3D printing surgical mask straps, since the CDC and Governor recommend wearing masks.

Stay safe everyone! ☄🌟