Day 31: First Blood

8:00 pm | |

Ok, so not really that dramatic, although if I keep this bike exercise up, I’ll be just as fit as Rambo!

The chickens are being chickens. No roosters were harmed when I took that picture. However, I had a very protective hen that did not want to give up her eggs, and she snapped at me!

Just a flesh wound!

There are getting into that Springtime nesting season, so I’m sure I’ll be seeing a lot more of this behavior. 🙄

The weather has gone downhill again. It actually flurried snow. My shoulder is still sore, but I found a YouTube video that incorporates the bike for 30 minutes, along with squats and arm exercises. I can’t do all of the arm stuff yet because of my shoulder, but let me tell you, that got some sweat pouring. If I can stick with this everyday, I’d be in business!

I manually log it in my Fitbit app with the time, mileage, and calories the bike records.

We’ll see how the legs feel tomorrow! Stay safe. ☄🌟

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