Day 33: Homeschooling?

10:06 pm | |

So, even before the pandemic, we were a homeschool family. This is our 7th year, and we are a mixture of book work, online, and unschooling/real world stuff.

Lately, it’s been Splatoon 2, Netflix, and YouTube videos. We do have an online curriculum, but the pandemic hasn’t changed our lives as drastic as it has for others, so sometimes it’s hard for me to remember that the girls are feeling this uncertainty. They talk with their friends about it, there are classes we were looking forward to that were canceled… Sometimes we just need a break, or a breakdown, so we’ve been having downtime.

I’ve still been exercising though! Another 30 minutes on the bike!

30 minutes!

I also experimented with WW zero point “pancakes”. 1 banana, 1 egg, cinnamon and vanilla extract to taste.

It was kinda like french toast.

I put a little syrup on it, but I wasn’t a fan of the taste. If I’m making that effort, I’d rather flip eggs and eat a banana separate.

We are gearing up for a weekend warrior project, so stay tuned for that! Stay safe! ☄🌟

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