Day 34: Health & Science

8:09 pm | |

It was a cold, snowy/rainy day again today. Tomorrow is supposed to be fairly clear and about 10°F warmer, so hopefully our weekend warrior project can get under way!

For health today, I rode another 30 minutes with that recumbent bike YouTube video. I hope to incorporate weights into her arm exercises in 2 weeks or so.

I was faster, had a higher heartrate, and had bigger mileage this ride.
It really steps the heartrate up!

For science, I leaned towards nature today, and put on the Our Planet series on Netflix. What a lovely way to travel and watch nature, without defying stay at home orders!

Sea unicorns!

Lastly, and this is mainly for me, is a Face to Face Friday picture. I’ve been on a bit of a roadblock the past month, so it’s a nice reminder of where I started, and how much I’ve accomplished.

Stay safe! ☄🌟

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