Day 36: Celebrating Earth Week

8:04 pm | |

This week hosts not only Earth Day, but Ohio’s Arbor Day. That’s a whole lot of love to the outdoors. Unfortunately, it’s supposed to rain much of the week.

The Robin that built the nest on my front porch wreath has 2 eggs so far!

They are so pretty! 😍

I really want to set up a webcam and just watch the nest all day!

I got back on the bike today, and rode 2 minutes more than usual, because I didn’t get up and do squats. I almost wiped out on the pavement this morning tripping over my own feet, and my right ankle just doesn’t feel right, so I figured biking was enough abuse for it.

32 minutes instead of 30. No squats.

For the start of Earth Week, I planted more seeds. I didn’t have anymore seed trays on hand, so dixie cups and a seed tray cover turned into 42 more plants (hopefully).

Sleep well little seeds…and germinate!

Finally, here’s a little beetle I found while checking on things around the yard.

So tiny and cute!

Stay safe! ☄🌟

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