Day 45: Workout at Work

9:18 pm | |

I put in 5 hours at the hardware store today putting away truck. It gave me a great opportunity to start learning the products and the store layout. Amazingly, my feet did really well. I’m sure it helped that I was moving and not tethered to a register, but I really think my last foot surgeries have helped a good 75%. Unfortunately, it’s my back that gets stiff, which makes me wonder if it comes from the way I walk and hold myself upright…

I did a quick walk this evening for a bit more exercise.

A short half mile walk.
A great evening to walk!

In other news, a robin made a nest on our back deck. We have nests everywhere!

This was built in a day!

Tomorrow I will refocus on exercise and meals! Stay safe! ☄🌟

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