My bike ride this morning was accompanied by the dogs. As you can see, they were super excited to be a part of my morning exercise. I started a burn
Read FullThis week hosts not only Earth Day, but Ohio’s Arbor Day. That’s a whole lot of love to the outdoors. Unfortunately, it’s supposed to rain much of the week. The
Read FullFirst off, I skipped the bike this morning, and went for my next 5k run. I knew I’d be a lot more active today, and I didn’t want to fall
Read FullIt was a cold, snowy/rainy day again today. Tomorrow is supposed to be fairly clear and about 10°F warmer, so hopefully our weekend warrior project can get under way! For
Read FullSo, even before the pandemic, we were a homeschool family. This is our 7th year, and we are a mixture of book work, online, and unschooling/real world stuff. Lately, it’s
Read FullOhio has hit the April cold spell. Hopefully it clears out this weekend and doesn’t come back. The temperature cooled down and it rained/slushed/snowed off and on throughout the day.
Read FullOk, so not really that dramatic, although if I keep this bike exercise up, I’ll be just as fit as Rambo! The chickens are being chickens. No roosters were harmed
Read FullWe were under a wind advisory today, and it rained off and on, so I spent the day inside. Knowing I’ve gone completely off my WW plan, I know I
Read FullWe did a little house cleaning/reorganizing today, including putting up another drying rack for flowers and herbs. Our “Easter baskets” consisted of candy, squid kites, bird houses, wind chimes, oil
Read FullMy shoulder pain is finally starting to subside, so even though it was a little chilly and windy today, Luke and I did a short outdoor walk. We cleaned in
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