Today was an actual day off this week. No work, no appointments, no plans!
I binged Lost a little bit, and decided that after doing my 5k app for 5 weeks (more like 7 because there were breaks, but I finished 5 weeks worth of “runs”) that I would start it over. Week 6 was intervals of running 3.5 minutes and walking .5 minutes. Week 1 is running 1 minute and walking 1.5 minutes. My feet do better with the shorter intervals, so I may just repeat a few weeks whenever I don’t feel like doing a bike ride.

And now for my homeschool class! Ms. Holly’s hobby class: Bird Edition – Day 1
Ornithology – The study of birds
Our bird of study: American Robin
So, I’m counting today, 5/7, as the first full day of incubation, since the 4th egg was laid yesterday. We are looking at 12-14 days of incubation, and then another 12-14 days of babies.
She will only get off the nest 5-10 minutes at a time (or I suppose when we go by and scare her. It really is a terrible place for a nest).

Stay safe! ☄🌟