
10:25 pm | |

I worked a 5 hour shift today, and it was busy! So busy I’m at 10K steps according to my Fitbit! 😳 I rarely hit that. It was also weigh in day, and I dropped a pound, so I’m still hovering in that 4 pound range I’ve been at for the past 9 weeks. I’ve slacked on the diet and exercise…

The stay at home orders may be lifted, but there are many changes to life as we knew it before the pandemic. This CDC recommendations graphic for schools has been making the rounds, but please, read the CDC’s actual report on this. Some of this info is incorrect and it’s causing panic!

We may see many more families choosing to homeschool. Just know, it’s not as difficult as this at home schooling the past few weeks has been! You can do this!

I had Luke get me the big camera this evening and I birdwatched.

Pretty birds

Pretty sure there was an Orchard Oriole, Baltimore Oriole, Cowbird, Cardinal, Yellow Goldfinch, a woodpecker, and many more!

Stay safe! ☄🌟

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