Summer Nights

9:33 pm | |

Last night we decided to trek out into this apocalyptic pandemic world and hit the local drive-in movie theatre!

They were doing a retro play on screen 1 of Jurassic Park and Jaws! It was only $20 a car during a weeknight, and since regular movie theatres won’t be open until mid July, and who knows how social distancing will work there, we thought, let’s get out of the house!

Jurassic Park started at 9:30, Jaws started at 11:50. We made it halfway through Jaws before we called it a night. We were super tired!

Once we got home though, it was a great night to look at the stars. The Milky Way is visible in the Summer in Ohio, but light pollution tends to hide it. Living in the country, we can just barely make it out, but the camera picks it up better.

Gorgeous view from the backyard!

Stay safe! ☄🌟

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