Birthday Goals

9:38 am | |

Happy July! It’s weigh-in day. It’s my birthday month. It’s the one year anniversary of getting a hysterectomy. July is a BIG month!

I lost another 1.6 pounds this week! That means I have 9 more pounds to lose by my birthday (the 26th) if I want to stick with my goal I set for myself in December. Honestly, I think it may take a week or two longer to hit that goal unless I have some super strict weeks, but that’s ok, because I can’t believe I’m that close!

I decided to add in arm exercises this month.

Starting with 3lbs!

I realized the other day that I could easily wrap my fingers around my wrist, which I hadn’t been able to do for a few years. That means my wrists have lost weight! I decided to try this simple arm workout for the 21 days, them maybe repeat it once more before moving up to 5lb weights.

That last one makes you feel the burn! 🔥

Stay safe! ☄🌟

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