Not Girl Scout Day Camp

8:12 am | |

So, this week (starting July 13th), would have been our local Girl Scout Day Camp. Obviously the plague canceled that. So, we are doing our own thing this week!

Monday, we went swimming at my dad’s house.

I then fell in a hole in our yard, skinning my knee and twisting my ankle. It makes walking super fun… but Monday night we saw the comet NEOWISE and the ISS flyover!

On Tuesday, we had karate, then the bigger girls presented a proposal to a local business with the other Cadette in our troop for the Silver Award. Back in February we had toured the business and gotten ideas, then coronavirus hit and everything shut down and our Silver Award got pushed to the side. Now we can submit paperwork, and as long as council approves it, we can start moving forward!

Stay safe! ☄🌟

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