Cats, Lanterns, College, Oh My!

2:54 pm | |

It’s been a busy time! I finally finished my college class and got my final paper grade back! Overall, I got an A in the class!

My final paper grade! I haven’t written a paper in 15 years, so I’m super happy with that grade!

We also checked out the Asian Lantern Festival at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. I’ll make a separate blog post with more photos, but it was a ton of fun, with lots to see!

Our stray cat Bitty had her babies! I found them under a pile of sticks in our chicken yard, so we quickly emptied out the spare bedroom, and now we have cats lol!

Our homeschool year has softly started today, and we are working on some living room updates, so we are staying busy during this pandemic!

Stay safe! ☄🌟

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