Birthdays and Holidays!

9:02 am | |

After getting out of the hospital with Lexi, life seems to be nonstop. We had vet visits for our stray momma cat Bitty to get spayed, and Tim needed a checkup. Then we had Thanksgiving and Luke’s birthday.

Then December hit! We got Artemis spayed, Henna turned 9, Avery turned 11, we ventured out to get a Christmas Tree, Girl Scout meetings went remote after not meeting for a month because of Lexi’s appendix fiasco, and the Amazon Prime driver is probably living in our driveway by now! 🤦‍♀️

We are also in the midst of finishing up Avery’s Bronze Award for Girl Scouts. I procrastinated, then life happened. We have a touch more to do, then I can submit paperwork!

I’m still tracking our budget. Obviously since we suck at planning, we didn’t have sinking funds for the vet or birthdays or holidays.

The holiday/birthday line was cakes, birthday eating out lunches, and a Christmas Tree.

I’m mainly tracking our food expenses, so I can see how realistic my current budget is. We’ll see…

Stay safe! ☄🌟

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