Workout Wednesday

9:06 pm | |

I’ve been stalled on my WW journey for a number of months. I simoly fluctuate 1-5lbs. I know I could be a bit more strict with my diet, but I believe my main problem is exercise.

Sure, I get exercise when I work (normally 3 days a week), but on my days off, I’m pretty inactive. I still get a lot of foot pain, so this month I ended up back at the podiatrist to get new custom orthotics. I’m trialing them for a month before seeing the doc again to discuss any lingering issues.

Old one on the bottom, new one on the top!

So now I’m attempting to be more active on my days off. I’ve started my Couch to 5K App back up and so far I’ve done two “runs”. I do them in place in the house, so it’s not nearly as strenuous as going out on the road.

We’ll see if I can stick with it!

Stay safe! ☄🌟

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