Category: Blog Post

8:52 am | |

Organization Skills

I’m starting a budget journey on YouTube to help hold us accountable to paying off our debt. I’m hoping it keeps me motivated and on track! Savings challenges, sinking funds,

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9:06 pm | |

Workout Wednesday

I’ve been stalled on my WW journey for a number of months. I simoly fluctuate 1-5lbs. I know I could be a bit more strict with my diet, but I

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9:18 am | |

New Year… New Budget!

First New Year’s resolution is the same as always… try to blog more. Life always seems so busy that I can’t even type up a paragraph and attach a picture

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9:02 am | |

Birthdays and Holidays!

After getting out of the hospital with Lexi, life seems to be nonstop. We had vet visits for our stray momma cat Bitty to get spayed, and Tim needed a

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4:34 pm | |

Lets Talk Budget…

It’s been awhile… Thankfully, Lexi only spent a week in the hospital, then another 5 days on oral antibiotics. She was given the all clear last week by the surgeon

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10:14 am | |

Hospital Stay

So, just a quick update… Last weekend Lexi didn’t feel the greatest, and we decided Monday morning to take her to the local ER because she was having more stomach

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9:08 am | |

A Day Trip To Marietta!

Yesterday we drove 2 hours to Marietta to meet up with my grandparents. We haven’t seen them since November of last year, and since it’s Grandma’s birthday today, we decided

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8:32 am | |

Cats, WW, and Yard Sales… Oh My!

To say life is busy is an understatement. The kitchen is still in pieces, I’m working 3 days a week, Luke’s work is super busy, and we are just trying

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8:23 pm | |


We went to the archery range Friday evening with Girl Scouts. I absolutely love archery, but to do it with Girl Scouts, we needed a certified instructor, so we invited

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9:40 pm | |

A Quick Update!

Where to begin! It’s been busy around here. Here’s a super quick update. Our stray Bitty had babies! I caught them and they’ve been in my spare room for the

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