Category: Blog Post

8:40 pm | |

Just Keep Moving Forward

Like I said earlier, I’m trying to keep more active, since I seem to be more snacky since social distancing became a thing this week. I did my normal 12

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8:31 am | |

Day 6: WW and Home Workouts

So, since actively trying to stay home, I’ve been snacking more. Maybe the stress and anxiety are starting to sink in, but it’s something I need to curb. One thing

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9:13 pm | |

Day 4: WW and Meal Planning

So, Wednesdays are normally my WW meeting days, but those are moving to online for the next several weeks. According to my scale at the house, I was up .06

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7:59 pm | |

Day 3: “Quarantine”

I say “quarantine”, because even though our social distancing started on Sunday, today we had to venture into the world. I had cookie money to deposit at the bank, and

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1:50 pm | |

Quarantine and Cookies!

So, the entire world is on alert right now for COVID-19. Last week Ohio’s governor shut down the schools for 3 weeks, and yesterday he shut down bars and restaurants

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9:34 pm | |

Local Trip: Summit Racing

Last Thursday we had to deliver cookies to a friend, so we took a 45 minute drive to Summit Racing! For anyone who doesn’t know, Summit Racing is like the

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7:41 pm | |

Picture Catchup

To say we’ve been busy is an understatement. Luke was in Atlanta last week for work. Cookies have consumed our weekends (only 2 more weekends to go or less if

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9:03 pm | |

Mansfield/Ashland Day Trip

We had a cookie booth today about an hour away from the house. It was a great booth for a great cause. We asked for cookie box donations for the

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8:24 pm | |

Wizard World Cleveland Comic Con 2020 (and my baby is 14!)

Today Lexi turned 14! It’s honestly unbelievable how much my babies have grown. We celebrated over lunch, and when Luke was finished with work calls, we drove an hour North

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5:33 pm | |

New Hair!

So, I did a thing. Today was weigh in day at my WW meeting, and I’m 32.6 pounds down since December 4th, 2019. I normally get my hair done once

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