Category: Blog Post

9:15 am | |

Summer Storm

August in Ohio isn’t fun. It’s hot and sticky and everyone is trying to get in last minute vacations and back to school shopping trips. It does however make some

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9:16 am | |

3…2…1… Blast Off!

Can you see it in the featured picture? Way up in the sky! You may need to clean your monitor so you don’t mistake little dirt pieces for it (I

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5:00 pm | |

First Day of School… Kind Of…

Today we started school… kind of… For the purposes of keeping track of what we do each year, our school year runs from July-June. I consider us year round homeschoolers,

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12:00 pm | |

Hot Air Balloon Landing

It’s Hot Air Balloon season! At least it seems like it is. Luke’s brother is a hot air balloon pilot, and it seems almost every weekend he is flying in

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8:00 pm | |

New River Gorge Bridge and Hawks Nest – West Virginia

We decided to take a day trip from Nana and Papaw’s house to see some of the gorgeous views West Virginia has to offer. The New River Gorge Bridge does

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4:12 pm | |

Summer Fun Thoughts

This Summer was going to be full of small adventures. We wanted to stay close to home this year, with a new dog in the mix, day trips or an

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7:38 pm | |

Radio Silence

Do you ever just hit a rough patch in life? You make all of these plans and to-do lists, and then everything just gets put off to the side. That

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2:49 pm | |

Learning to Live with Pain (Wait! That’s not normal?)

Hello World! It’s been a long while, and on top of that long while, we’ve had holidays, health issues, and a new year. As you can guess from the post

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3:33 pm | |

Elderberry Syrup

Everyone seems to swear by Elderberry Syrup. Take one tablespoon all Winter and you’ll never get sick. That’s what I always hear. Don’t get me wrong, I know science has

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7:07 pm | |

Minimalism: Clearance Clothing

Over the weekend we had a quick trip to Pennsylvania for a car show/wedding anniversary getaway. Along the way we found a shopping center that included a Target… I love

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