Category: Blog Post

10:25 pm | |


I worked a 5 hour shift today, and it was busy! So busy I’m at 10K steps according to my Fitbit! 😳 I rarely hit that. It was also weigh

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8:58 pm | |

Day 66: Quarantine is Over?

So yeah, apparently the Governor is lifting the stay at home order that was in place until May 29th. There are still social distancing practices in place, not everything has

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9:00 pm | |

Day 65: Baby Birds…

Yes, I spent most of my day watching the webcam lol! Seriously, they are so adorable! The mom and dad Robins seem to have this co-parenting thing down pretty good!

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10:00 pm | |

Day 64: Homestead Happenings

We had a few storms pop up around us today, but only a light sprinkle here at the house. It was however, hot and humid. We broke 80 degrees Fahrenheit!

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8:09 pm | |

Day 63: We’re in the Honey!

So, 2 years ago we had 1 bee hive at the edge of our woods. It didn’t survive the winter. When we opened the hive, they were soaked, so we

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9:18 pm | |

Day 62: Odds and Ends

It was warm, breezy, and rainy today, which means we went from freeze warnings to holy humidity basically overnight. Talk about arthritis flares! We have hens going broody, the Dove

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10:41 pm | |

Day 61: Normalcy Is A Paved Road… Find Gravel!

Ohio is opening up gyms, pools, and daycares at the end of the month! I’ll be honest, the past two weeks or so life felt normal. Sure we didn’t go

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10:32 pm | |

Day 60: Homestead Cleanup

Today we had a friend come over to breakdown our beehives. They died over the winter, and we hadn’t cracked them open yet to see what was going on. Each

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10:03 pm | |

Day 59: Little Updates…

Our mama Robin is still holding strong! I really hope that no stray cats or raccoons happen upon the nest during this process. Ms. Holly’s hobby class: Bird Edition –

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7:07 pm | |

Day 58: Big Changes!

First of all, we finished tumbling our crystals! We actually stopped 5he tumbler yesterday, but I didn’t open it until today. The quartz looks shiny and smooth! The mama robin

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