Category: Blog Post

7:43 pm | |

Day 47: So Close to the “End”

Tomorrow is the day Ohio’s stay at home order is “lifted”. Dentists and doctor’s offices will open up, and on the 12th, non essential businesses can reopen. Hair salons, theaters,

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8:05 am | |

Day 46: Around the House

Today was a day off! Luke was in the shop half the day working on his car, and I did a lot of nothing. However, I did get my bike

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9:18 pm | |

Day 45: Workout at Work

I put in 5 hours at the hardware store today putting away truck. It gave me a great opportunity to start learning the products and the store layout. Amazingly, my

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9:14 pm | |

Day 44: A New Beginning

So, it looks like some Doves have nested in the bird netting above our rabbit enclosure. There are 2 little eggs in the nest. What a terrible place to make

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7:43 pm | |

Day 43: Planning Ahead

Today was another shop day for Luke, so my focus was planning. Tomorrow the Governor will announce Phase 1 of reopening Ohio since our lockdown ends on Friday. Obviously, it

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9:14 pm | |

Day 41: Facing The Brave New World (Happy Arbor Day)

First off, the moon is absolutely gorgeous. A thin crescent underneath of Venus following the setting Sun. A beautiful sunset to watch! As for this New World thing, this was

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9:30 pm | |

Day 40: A Little Funk Feeling

I woke up in a funk today. I didn’t sleep great, woke up hurting, and had some anxiety jitters. I managed to do a 5k training run today instead of

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9:20 pm | |

Day 39: Happy Earth Day!

Today is my favorite holiday! I love science and nature, and I try to do what I can to lessen my family’s impact on Earth. I’ve had people over the

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9:31 pm | |

Day 38: Live From The Porch… Sort Of.

First off, I did my bike today! It’s my best ride yet. I’m getting more cardio minutes each time I do this. For today’s Earth Week project, we installed the

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8:00 pm | |

Day 37: Workout, Birds, and Bacon

My bike ride this morning was accompanied by the dogs. As you can see, they were super excited to be a part of my morning exercise. I started a burn

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