Category: Blog Post

9:23 pm | |

Day 26: Nothing New

Today was a very lazy day. The wind has been gusting all day, making it too cold and dangerous for a walk. I’m not sure my shoulder would handle it

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8:13 pm | |

Day 25: Wicked Weather

We were up at midnight because a severe weather alert buzzed over the phone. We were under a tornado warning, and the sirens were going off. It was bad enough

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8:44 pm | |

Day 24: Karate Time!

Today was more of the same. We had some rain. My shoulder/back is killing me still. Luke continued with the 3D printer. I gathered eggs. And there’s an awesome full

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8:25 pm | |

Day 23: Eggs and Ouchies

I realized today that a bird tried to build a nest on my front porch wreath. I’m not sure it was the best idea, especially with the traffic the porch

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8:27 pm | |

Day 22: Vroom Vroom

Today we spent a little time in the woods clearing downed trees that had fallen across our hiking path. Once the path was cleared, Luke had to double check it

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5:40 pm | |

Day 21: A Little Fresh Air

Sunny and upper 60’s was the perfect combination today! Luke started up the lawnmower and cleared the chicken yard of some of the tall, dead brush. Then we decided to

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7:50 pm | |

Day 20: Trees

First off, I got in my 5K app run today, so yay! Go me! The weather was decent today, but a little windy. Once Luke was off of work, he

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7:14 pm | |

Day 19: Making Better Choices

That’s the advice I need to follow to continue my weight loss journey. I made a choice to have turkey hot dogs instead of beef. I made a choice to

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9:07 pm | |

Day 18: Reality Sets In

Today after watching the Governor’s press conference, it really started to sink in, that this is the new reality for the unforeseeable future. We don’t know when we will get

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8:02 pm | |

Day 17: Roadtrip!

Today was a typical case of the Mondays… except it’s Tuesday! I did zero exercises today, but I did take a shower! Social distancing has made us all a little

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