Category: Healthier Living

6:45 pm | |

Day 8: Ohio is on lockdown!

The Governor’s 2PM (Wine with DeWine) update was the official order to Shelter In Place until April 5th/6th. We’ve basically been doing that already, but the order gives legal ramifications

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7:21 pm | |

Day 7: Weekend Warrior Prep

Today we prepared for a shut down here in Ohio. They haven’t announced it yet, but I imagine it’s coming. I put out my egg selling sign since the girls

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8:40 pm | |

Just Keep Moving Forward

Like I said earlier, I’m trying to keep more active, since I seem to be more snacky since social distancing became a thing this week. I did my normal 12

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8:31 am | |

Day 6: WW and Home Workouts

So, since actively trying to stay home, I’ve been snacking more. Maybe the stress and anxiety are starting to sink in, but it’s something I need to curb. One thing

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9:13 pm | |

Day 4: WW and Meal Planning

So, Wednesdays are normally my WW meeting days, but those are moving to online for the next several weeks. According to my scale at the house, I was up .06

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7:59 pm | |

Day 3: “Quarantine”

I say “quarantine”, because even though our social distancing started on Sunday, today we had to venture into the world. I had cookie money to deposit at the bank, and

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7:41 pm | |

Picture Catchup

To say we’ve been busy is an understatement. Luke was in Atlanta last week for work. Cookies have consumed our weekends (only 2 more weekends to go or less if

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11:59 am | |

Lunch reflections…

This is my last day of modeling at the college this semester (that I know of anyways), and I had both the drawing and painting classes. That means I had

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11:35 am | |

Weight Loss Milestones

So, my local WW meeting is on Wednesday mornings, so today in Weigh-in Wednesday! I hit -30 pounds lost since I signed up on December 4th, 2019! It’s not the

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9:55 pm | |

Weight Loss Journey

So, since December, I’ve been doing WW. It’s a hard lesson on healthy eating and portion control, but I can say that as of today, I’m a quarter of the

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