Category: Healthier Living

11:18 am | |

A New Journey

Almost 2 weeks ago I took advantage of a Cyber Monday deal and joined WW. I’ve been holding this weight (with about a 10lb fluctuation) for the past few years,

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6:00 pm | |

Checking out the Wooster YMCA pool

We’ve been YMCA members for awhile now, but this was the first time we went to the neighboring town and checked out their pool! Wooster’s YMCA has their pool at

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7:00 pm | |

Pool Fun

Today we visited Grandma and Grandpa’s house to enjoy some pool time with the cousins. That’s the great thing about homeschooling, especially when the cousins are homeschooled too! We can

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9:10 am | |

Collections vs. Clutter

I’ve never been an organized person, but in my head there are certain “looks” or “moods” I favor, so when I think about how to organize a space in the

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7:38 pm | |

Radio Silence

Do you ever just hit a rough patch in life? You make all of these plans and to-do lists, and then everything just gets put off to the side. That

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2:49 pm | |

Learning to Live with Pain (Wait! That’s not normal?)

Hello World! It’s been a long while, and on top of that long while, we’ve had holidays, health issues, and a new year. As you can guess from the post

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3:33 pm | |

Elderberry Syrup

Everyone seems to swear by Elderberry Syrup. Take one tablespoon all Winter and you’ll never get sick. That’s what I always hear. Don’t get me wrong, I know science has

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6:18 pm | | Comment 1

Results: Cleaning Methods and Bacteria

We’ve let a full 48 hours pass with our agar plates in our homemade incubator. Now it’s time to see the results! To see how the experiment was set up,

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6:34 pm | | Comment 1

Experiment: Cleaning Methods and Bacteria

To kick off our “Back to School” week, we decided on a fun science experiment. We’ve all seen commercials, or friends of Facebook, talking up there favorite cleaning supplies (maybe

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