Category: Minimalist Living

9:13 pm | |

Day 4: WW and Meal Planning

So, Wednesdays are normally my WW meeting days, but those are moving to online for the next several weeks. According to my scale at the house, I was up .06

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7:59 pm | |

Day 3: “Quarantine”

I say “quarantine”, because even though our social distancing started on Sunday, today we had to venture into the world. I had cookie money to deposit at the bank, and

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9:10 am | |

Collections vs. Clutter

I’ve never been an organized person, but in my head there are certain “looks” or “moods” I favor, so when I think about how to organize a space in the

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7:07 pm | |

Minimalism: Clearance Clothing

Over the weekend we had a quick trip to Pennsylvania for a car show/wedding anniversary getaway. Along the way we found a shopping center that included a Target… I love

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