Category: Reducing Clutter

8:52 am | |

Organization Skills

I’m starting a budget journey on YouTube to help hold us accountable to paying off our debt. I’m hoping it keeps me motivated and on track! Savings challenges, sinking funds,

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8:32 am | |

Cats, WW, and Yard Sales… Oh My!

To say life is busy is an understatement. The kitchen is still in pieces, I’m working 3 days a week, Luke’s work is super busy, and we are just trying

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9:00 am | |

Fourth of July Fun

Almost all fireworks displays were canceled because of the pandemic, so our normal festivities were altered. We grilled out for ourselves, and a lot later my parents, brother, uncle, and

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11:39 am | |

Baby Chicks!

I have two hens I’ve left go broody, and the hard work has finally paid off! So far 2 babies have hatched. I’ll have to listen over the next few

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7:27 am | |


It’s been a busy week! I started losing weight again, we have growth in the gardens, SpaceX & NASA made history with the Falcon 9/Dragon/Demo 2 launch that is carrying

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7:43 pm | |

Day 47: So Close to the “End”

Tomorrow is the day Ohio’s stay at home order is “lifted”. Dentists and doctor’s offices will open up, and on the 12th, non essential businesses can reopen. Hair salons, theaters,

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7:43 pm | |

Day 43: Planning Ahead

Today was another shop day for Luke, so my focus was planning. Tomorrow the Governor will announce Phase 1 of reopening Ohio since our lockdown ends on Friday. Obviously, it

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10:33 pm | |

Day 30: Intro to the Recumbent Bike

We were under a wind advisory today, and it rained off and on, so I spent the day inside. Knowing I’ve gone completely off my WW plan, I know I

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8:00 pm | |

Day 29: Happy Easter!

We did a little house cleaning/reorganizing today, including putting up another drying rack for flowers and herbs. Our “Easter baskets” consisted of candy, squid kites, bird houses, wind chimes, oil

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9:32 pm | |

Day 28: Getting Back to “Normal”

My shoulder pain is finally starting to subside, so even though it was a little chilly and windy today, Luke and I did a short outdoor walk. We cleaned in

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