Category: Stardust Stories – catastrophic_stardust

8:00 pm | |

Day 54: A Day Off

Today was an actual day off this week. No work, no appointments, no plans! I binged Lost a little bit, and decided that after doing my 5k app for 5

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9:23 pm | |

Day 53: Introducing Ms. Holly’s hobby classes!

So, first off, today was a LONG day. I had to be up early to take my mom to a doctor’s appointment. Needless to say, I was dragging all day,

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9:06 pm | |

Day 52: Birdwatching

I worked another mid/close today, but I wanted to get the webcam on the Robin nest by the backdoor. She has 3 eggs already laid! It’s not the best quality,

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8:59 pm | |

Day 51: Battling Fatigue

I worked the mid shift today, which actually closes the store since hours are reduced because of the pandemic. It’s always a challenge for me to do anything because of

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10:21 pm | |

Day 49: Quarantine Birthday!

Today Lilly turned 13! We weren’t able to take her shopping, but we did get iced coffees from the grocery store, and a Reese’s Peanut Butter Blizzard cake from Dairy

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8:29 pm | |

Day 48: I guess I lied…

This morning I woke up to a bunch of news articles that said the Governor extended the stay at home orders until May 29th. Non essential businesses will still reopen

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8:05 am | |

Day 46: Around the House

Today was a day off! Luke was in the shop half the day working on his car, and I did a lot of nothing. However, I did get my bike

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9:18 pm | |

Day 45: Workout at Work

I put in 5 hours at the hardware store today putting away truck. It gave me a great opportunity to start learning the products and the store layout. Amazingly, my

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9:14 pm | |

Day 44: A New Beginning

So, it looks like some Doves have nested in the bird netting above our rabbit enclosure. There are 2 little eggs in the nest. What a terrible place to make

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7:43 pm | |

Day 43: Planning Ahead

Today was another shop day for Luke, so my focus was planning. Tomorrow the Governor will announce Phase 1 of reopening Ohio since our lockdown ends on Friday. Obviously, it

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