Category: Stardust Stories – catastrophic_stardust

7:50 pm | |

Day 20: Trees

First off, I got in my 5K app run today, so yay! Go me! The weather was decent today, but a little windy. Once Luke was off of work, he

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7:14 pm | |

Day 19: Making Better Choices

That’s the advice I need to follow to continue my weight loss journey. I made a choice to have turkey hot dogs instead of beef. I made a choice to

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9:07 pm | |

Day 18: Reality Sets In

Today after watching the Governor’s press conference, it really started to sink in, that this is the new reality for the unforeseeable future. We don’t know when we will get

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8:02 pm | |

Day 17: Roadtrip!

Today was a typical case of the Mondays… except it’s Tuesday! I did zero exercises today, but I did take a shower! Social distancing has made us all a little

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7:01 pm | |

Day 16: More of the Same

As you can see, the first bit of planting we did is starting to grow! 🌱 The girls took a break from schoolwork and video games and continued playing board

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11:03 pm | |

Day 15: Gardening, Rocks, and Game Night

We had a busy day today! First of all, my seed order finally arrived! 🌱 I obviously didn’t plant everything, but I did start some bell peppers, tomatoes, and glass

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8:23 pm | |

Day 14: Cleaning Day

I woke up at 4AM with my stomach cramping with pain. Two hours of dry heaves, then another two hours of sleep on the couch, and we started our day.

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9:30 pm | |

Day 13: Movie Night

We decided to have a movie night and watched Jumanji: The Next Level. We had seen it in theaters when it came out, but the girls enjoyed it, so we

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8:09 pm | |

Day 12: These Boots Were Made For Walking

It was another gorgeous day out until about 10 minutes ago when the rain finally made it’s appearance. Honestly, I love the rain, but when I’m eating way too much

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9:04 pm | |

Day 11: A Little Dirt Never Hurt

Today was a gorgeous day outside. Mid 60’s, sunshine, warm! Avery and I decided to plant a few seeds inside. With the pandemic, greenhouses and online seed companies are selling

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