Tag: 2020

6:20 pm | |

Storm Damage!

So yesterday late afternoon, we had a storm blow through. It brought some much needed rain to the gardens, and it got a little windy. Nothing to terrible. We registered

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5:59 pm | |

Another Year Older

Yesterday was my birthday! It was pretty warm out, so we did a little house cleaning and relaxing until later in the day. We went to my dad’s and have

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3:01 pm | |

Balancing Act

The biggest issue I’ve run into this Summer is balancing out life. I have a part-time job where the schedule changes each week. I have college stuff, house stuff, and

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8:12 am | |

Not Girl Scout Day Camp

So, this week (starting July 13th), would have been our local Girl Scout Day Camp. Obviously the plague canceled that. So, we are doing our own thing this week! Monday,

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9:52 pm | |

Catching Up…

So, I have less than 3 weeks left of my college class. I have 2 more exams, 4 more chapters to read, one 5-7 page paper to write, and possibly

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10:22 pm | |

Dogs, Cats, College, and Airplanes

So, the girls took on a weekend job letting out my Aunt and Uncle’s dog while they are gone for the weekend. They started this evening, and got to see

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9:14 pm | |

Homestead Views

We had some rain this evening, resulting in a rainbow! We even had a double for a few minutes! I worked 5 hours today, but managed to get a short

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9:33 pm | |

Summer Nights

Last night we decided to trek out into this apocalyptic pandemic world and hit the local drive-in movie theatre! They were doing a retro play on screen 1 of Jurassic

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8:09 pm | |

Stormy Days

We’ve had some rain off and on, which is good, because the gardens needed it, but some areas around us had some major downpours and flash floods! It seemed to

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6:49 pm | |

Father’s Day and A 5 Year Plan

Our main Father’s Day event was driving 35 minutes to pick up Chile’s carside to go for lunch! Yum! Today was a lazier day. We did work a touch on

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