Tag: animals

8:07 am | |

Racking up Steps!

Now that the weather is staying mostly nice, I’m getting in a lot more daily steps. There’s always something that needs done around here, and the list keeps getting longer!

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7:43 pm | |

Day 43: Planning Ahead

Today was another shop day for Luke, so my focus was planning. Tomorrow the Governor will announce Phase 1 of reopening Ohio since our lockdown ends on Friday. Obviously, it

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2:51 pm | |

Road Trip: Atlanta, Georgia – Part 3

Our final day in Atlanta was spent at the Georgia Aquarium. We had seen some marine life before at various zoos, but actually seeing such a variety at an aquarium

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1:14 pm | |

Road Trip: Atlanta, Georgia – Part 2

After a day dedicated to learning all about Georgia’s gold rush (Part 1), we turned our attention to two places in Atlanta for more science education. Our first stop was

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9:31 pm | |

Traveling With Animals Back Home

We are actually in Atlanta, Georgia right now for Luke’s job. Yes, that means we left the chickens, ducks, cats, dogs, turtles, rabbits, and bees! Working from home has many

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