Tag: country views

8:25 pm | |

Day 23: Eggs and Ouchies

I realized today that a bird tried to build a nest on my front porch wreath. I’m not sure it was the best idea, especially with the traffic the porch

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9:15 am | |

Summer Storm

August in Ohio isn’t fun. It’s hot and sticky and everyone is trying to get in last minute vacations and back to school shopping trips. It does however make some

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4:12 pm | |

Summer Fun Thoughts

This Summer was going to be full of small adventures. We wanted to stay close to home this year, with a new dog in the mix, day trips or an

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7:38 pm | |

Radio Silence

Do you ever just hit a rough patch in life? You make all of these plans and to-do lists, and then everything just gets put off to the side. That

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