Tag: flowers

9:14 pm | |

Homestead Views

We had some rain this evening, resulting in a rainbow! We even had a double for a few minutes! I worked 5 hours today, but managed to get a short

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7:45 pm | |

Happy Summer Solstice!

Today was a bit spontaneous. We really had no concrete plans, except to kind of take it easy since I had over 13K steps on Friday between work and the

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7:47 pm | |

Anxiety, Weight Loss, and Homesteading…

How about a little bit of everything in one post? First off, my cover photo has two baby bunnies playing at the edge of our woods (in case you couldn’t

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8:58 pm | |

Day 50: Outside Exploration

Today was the best outside day so far this year! Sun, clouds, 70’s, slight breeze. I mowed around the swingset area and moved the mud kitchen. We still have some

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9:02 pm | |

Day 42: Saturday Stuff

So, I kicked butt on workouts today. I did my bike, and a 5k run! Today officially started Luke’s vacation, so he played in the shop most of the day.

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8:00 pm | |

Day 29: Happy Easter!

We did a little house cleaning/reorganizing today, including putting up another drying rack for flowers and herbs. Our “Easter baskets” consisted of candy, squid kites, bird houses, wind chimes, oil

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