Tag: gardening

9:18 pm | |

Day 62: Odds and Ends

It was warm, breezy, and rainy today, which means we went from freeze warnings to holy humidity basically overnight. Talk about arthritis flares! We have hens going broody, the Dove

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8:31 pm | |

Day 57: Mother’s Day

The girls made me cards, we ate a bunch of ice cream and snacks (the diet blew right out the window), and I watched a storm blow through. Luke worked

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9:30 pm | |

Day 40: A Little Funk Feeling

I woke up in a funk today. I didn’t sleep great, woke up hurting, and had some anxiety jitters. I managed to do a 5k training run today instead of

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8:04 pm | |

Day 36: Celebrating Earth Week

This week hosts not only Earth Day, but Ohio’s Arbor Day. That’s a whole lot of love to the outdoors. Unfortunately, it’s supposed to rain much of the week. The

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5:40 pm | |

Day 21: A Little Fresh Air

Sunny and upper 60’s was the perfect combination today! Luke started up the lawnmower and cleared the chicken yard of some of the tall, dead brush. Then we decided to

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9:07 pm | |

Day 18: Reality Sets In

Today after watching the Governor’s press conference, it really started to sink in, that this is the new reality for the unforeseeable future. We don’t know when we will get

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7:01 pm | |

Day 16: More of the Same

As you can see, the first bit of planting we did is starting to grow! 🌱 The girls took a break from schoolwork and video games and continued playing board

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11:03 pm | |

Day 15: Gardening, Rocks, and Game Night

We had a busy day today! First of all, my seed order finally arrived! 🌱 I obviously didn’t plant everything, but I did start some bell peppers, tomatoes, and glass

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9:04 pm | |

Day 11: A Little Dirt Never Hurt

Today was a gorgeous day outside. Mid 60’s, sunshine, warm! Avery and I decided to plant a few seeds inside. With the pandemic, greenhouses and online seed companies are selling

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