Tag: hardware store

9:11 am | |

Wednesday Weigh – In

Yesterday was Wednesday, and since Wednesdays are the day my closest WW meeting group gets together, it became my weekly weigh-in day. Of course, there haven’t been face to face

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7:27 am | |


It’s been a busy week! I started losing weight again, we have growth in the gardens, SpaceX & NASA made history with the Falcon 9/Dragon/Demo 2 launch that is carrying

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8:58 pm | |

Day 66: Quarantine is Over?

So yeah, apparently the Governor is lifting the stay at home order that was in place until May 29th. There are still social distancing practices in place, not everything has

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10:08 pm | |

Day 55: Snow?!

Yup. It’s May 8th, and it snowed. Between the quarantine and this weather, Ohioans are going to lead a revolution against Mother Nature! I worked today for a few hours,

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8:59 pm | |

Day 51: Battling Fatigue

I worked the mid shift today, which actually closes the store since hours are reduced because of the pandemic. It’s always a challenge for me to do anything because of

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7:43 pm | |

Day 47: So Close to the “End”

Tomorrow is the day Ohio’s stay at home order is “lifted”. Dentists and doctor’s offices will open up, and on the 12th, non essential businesses can reopen. Hair salons, theaters,

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9:18 pm | |

Day 45: Workout at Work

I put in 5 hours at the hardware store today putting away truck. It gave me a great opportunity to start learning the products and the store layout. Amazingly, my

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9:14 pm | |

Day 44: A New Beginning

So, it looks like some Doves have nested in the bird netting above our rabbit enclosure. There are 2 little eggs in the nest. What a terrible place to make

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