Tag: home improvement

9:15 am | |

Field Trips and Renovations

We’ve had a busy week! We took a homeschool field trip to see a B-17 “Sentimental Journey”. There are only a handful left in flying condition. This one is based

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7:43 pm | |

Little Project Updates

We’ve started a few small projects in the shop. Luke got in some hardware and tools to build a small toolbox the same way you would build an airplane (ya

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9:52 pm | |

Catching Up…

So, I have less than 3 weeks left of my college class. I have 2 more exams, 4 more chapters to read, one 5-7 page paper to write, and possibly

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8:00 pm | |

Backyard Mechanic

Today was another day full of projects. We got the planter boxes moved up by the house, so now I just need more dirt! The garden is doing ok, and

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8:15 pm | |

Weekend Projects

After spending all day Friday at work, it was time to start the weekend projects! First, was finishing off 1 planter box and getting the dirt into it so I

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7:43 pm | |

Day 47: So Close to the “End”

Tomorrow is the day Ohio’s stay at home order is “lifted”. Dentists and doctor’s offices will open up, and on the 12th, non essential businesses can reopen. Hair salons, theaters,

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9:14 pm | |

Day 44: A New Beginning

So, it looks like some Doves have nested in the bird netting above our rabbit enclosure. There are 2 little eggs in the nest. What a terrible place to make

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9:14 pm | |

Day 41: Facing The Brave New World (Happy Arbor Day)

First off, the moon is absolutely gorgeous. A thin crescent underneath of Venus following the setting Sun. A beautiful sunset to watch! As for this New World thing, this was

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8:00 pm | |

Day 35: Weekend Warrior Project – Fence

First off, I skipped the bike this morning, and went for my next 5k run. I knew I’d be a lot more active today, and I didn’t want to fall

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6:45 pm | |

Day 8: Ohio is on lockdown!

The Governor’s 2PM (Wine with DeWine) update was the official order to Shelter In Place until April 5th/6th. We’ve basically been doing that already, but the order gives legal ramifications

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