Tag: homeschooling

8:25 pm | |

Day 23: Eggs and Ouchies

I realized today that a bird tried to build a nest on my front porch wreath. I’m not sure it was the best idea, especially with the traffic the porch

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7:01 pm | |

Day 16: More of the Same

As you can see, the first bit of planting we did is starting to grow! 🌱 The girls took a break from schoolwork and video games and continued playing board

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11:03 pm | |

Day 15: Gardening, Rocks, and Game Night

We had a busy day today! First of all, my seed order finally arrived! 🌱 I obviously didn’t plant everything, but I did start some bell peppers, tomatoes, and glass

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9:04 pm | |

Day 11: A Little Dirt Never Hurt

Today was a gorgeous day outside. Mid 60’s, sunshine, warm! Avery and I decided to plant a few seeds inside. With the pandemic, greenhouses and online seed companies are selling

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7:41 pm | |

Day 9: “Rest Day”

The Stay at Home order for Ohio goes into effect tonight at 11:59PM. It doesn’t change our day to day from the past week by much, but it’s a very

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8:40 pm | |

Just Keep Moving Forward

Like I said earlier, I’m trying to keep more active, since I seem to be more snacky since social distancing became a thing this week. I did my normal 12

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1:50 pm | |

Quarantine and Cookies!

So, the entire world is on alert right now for COVID-19. Last week Ohio’s governor shut down the schools for 3 weeks, and yesterday he shut down bars and restaurants

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9:34 pm | |

Local Trip: Summit Racing

Last Thursday we had to deliver cookies to a friend, so we took a 45 minute drive to Summit Racing! For anyone who doesn’t know, Summit Racing is like the

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5:06 pm | |

Oh the Cookies!

So, this is our 8th year as Girl Scouts, and we just got our cookies in this week! We start cookie booth sales this weekend, so we’ve done some extra

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10:37 am | |

Falling Behind…

I have loads of pictures from the past few months I need to blog, but I never seem to find a dedicated time to sit down and play catch up.

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