Tag: mom of 4 girls

8:32 am | |

Cats, WW, and Yard Sales… Oh My!

To say life is busy is an understatement. The kitchen is still in pieces, I’m working 3 days a week, Luke’s work is super busy, and we are just trying

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5:59 pm | |

Another Year Older

Yesterday was my birthday! It was pretty warm out, so we did a little house cleaning and relaxing until later in the day. We went to my dad’s and have

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6:35 pm | |


A part of our homeschooling journey is incorporating nature and science. We are very much into Earth Science, Astronomy, Animals, and preserving the Earth. We don’t seem to have owls

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8:12 am | |

Not Girl Scout Day Camp

So, this week (starting July 13th), would have been our local Girl Scout Day Camp. Obviously the plague canceled that. So, we are doing our own thing this week! Monday,

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9:00 am | |

Fourth of July Fun

Almost all fireworks displays were canceled because of the pandemic, so our normal festivities were altered. We grilled out for ourselves, and a lot later my parents, brother, uncle, and

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10:22 pm | |

Dogs, Cats, College, and Airplanes

So, the girls took on a weekend job letting out my Aunt and Uncle’s dog while they are gone for the weekend. They started this evening, and got to see

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9:33 pm | |

Summer Nights

Last night we decided to trek out into this apocalyptic pandemic world and hit the local drive-in movie theatre! They were doing a retro play on screen 1 of Jurassic

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10:41 pm | |

Day 61: Normalcy Is A Paved Road… Find Gravel!

Ohio is opening up gyms, pools, and daycares at the end of the month! I’ll be honest, the past two weeks or so life felt normal. Sure we didn’t go

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10:21 pm | |

Day 49: Quarantine Birthday!

Today Lilly turned 13! We weren’t able to take her shopping, but we did get iced coffees from the grocery store, and a Reese’s Peanut Butter Blizzard cake from Dairy

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9:31 pm | |

Day 38: Live From The Porch… Sort Of.

First off, I did my bike today! It’s my best ride yet. I’m getting more cardio minutes each time I do this. For today’s Earth Week project, we installed the

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