Tag: nature

9:23 pm | |

Day 26: Nothing New

Today was a very lazy day. The wind has been gusting all day, making it too cold and dangerous for a walk. I’m not sure my shoulder would handle it

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8:27 pm | |

Day 22: Vroom Vroom

Today we spent a little time in the woods clearing downed trees that had fallen across our hiking path. Once the path was cleared, Luke had to double check it

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7:50 pm | |

Day 20: Trees

First off, I got in my 5K app run today, so yay! Go me! The weather was decent today, but a little windy. Once Luke was off of work, he

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8:40 pm | |

Just Keep Moving Forward

Like I said earlier, I’m trying to keep more active, since I seem to be more snacky since social distancing became a thing this week. I did my normal 12

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