Tag: organizing

8:52 am | |

Organization Skills

I’m starting a budget journey on YouTube to help hold us accountable to paying off our debt. I’m hoping it keeps me motivated and on track! Savings challenges, sinking funds,

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9:00 am | |

Fourth of July Fun

Almost all fireworks displays were canceled because of the pandemic, so our normal festivities were altered. We grilled out for ourselves, and a lot later my parents, brother, uncle, and

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7:45 pm | |

Happy Summer Solstice!

Today was a bit spontaneous. We really had no concrete plans, except to kind of take it easy since I had over 13K steps on Friday between work and the

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7:43 pm | |

Day 43: Planning Ahead

Today was another shop day for Luke, so my focus was planning. Tomorrow the Governor will announce Phase 1 of reopening Ohio since our lockdown ends on Friday. Obviously, it

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9:13 pm | |

Day 4: WW and Meal Planning

So, Wednesdays are normally my WW meeting days, but those are moving to online for the next several weeks. According to my scale at the house, I was up .06

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